Montag, 26. Dezember 2016


Hallo alle Zusammen:)

So It's christmas now what means that I  need to freak out completely because you know I'm Exchangestudent and  Exchangestudents do need to feel homesick for Christmas especially if the country where they spend theire exchangeyear doesn't celebrate Christmas that big and if they are home alone almost all 3 Christmas days. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut wait thtat's not how I feel. 
Well actually I'm kinda sad but that is because my hostsister returns to Belgium today  and I also change families today but that all feels so weird. A lot of neew feelings came up to me the last couple of days because I  never spend my Christmas days like that but that isn't a problem at all because it turned out to not be that bad to be spend Christmas more or less alone.
But back to  the toopic. I change my  Hostfamilies tomorrow. My New Hostfamily will pick me up tomorrow right here and from then on I hope to spend the rest of my Exchange-experience with them.

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